Is your server running at its maximum?
Performance of a database application is dependent on many variables including network infrastructure, server hardware, size, configuration and design of the database and efficiency of application coding. Therefore when application performance issues arise it is important to properly analyse all areas of the database application, otherwise money and time may be spent on areas which in fact are not the cause of the performance issues, and which only generate small performance gains.
For example, upgrading server hardware in response to application performance problems, can be expensive in both time and money, and may not be the fundamental performance bottleneck. In fact, performing a complete and thorough analysis end-to-end, to resolve the fundamental performance bottleneck, may negate the requirement to upgrade server hardware at all.
Hunter DBA offers a Performance Audit/Troubleshooting service for SQL Server and Oracle databases. A template approach is utilised using various system tools, including such items as Performance Monitor and internal RDBMS tools to isolate key performance bottlenecks in databases. A formal report is then provided to customers with recommendations for action to resolve or reduce performance bottlenecks. If the exercise identifies application-specific issues these can be passed to the application supplier/developer for resolution at the customer’s request.